May 21, 2009

Udu Utar Drum - kontakt/SF2

Udu Utar Drum - kontakt/SF2

Drums Udu ® long-playing record had excellent tone qualities that range from subtle bass tones to reassurance tabla-like tones. Their clay construction is based on the age-old African traditions. The name "Udu" has been received from the Nigerian language of Ibo, meaning "pottery." Each long-playing record Udu ® Drum offers individual tonal values. They can play, striking any part of the drum with the palm or hand of the finger tips. Textured surfaces provide additional tonal change by creating rubbing sounds. Sound possibilities can be further expanded using the unique microphone ports found in each house. Small micrometers can be set to zoom in and capture the amazing internal sounds. Long-playing record Udu ® Drums are generally played in usazhennom the situation with the drum on the player's knees. They can also play on the table or the floor using the included straw ring stands. The lowest supply of the entire Chamber Calls Udus a very bright and cool sounds, while the shell can create a flat surface of the main part sounds like "a cow bell around his neck, making it perfect for drum players Bongo and Congo

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